To provide our customers with the best service possible we work together with leading IT-companies, use the latest software tools and co-operate with internationally renowned partners. Especially the co-operation with research institutes in different projects as well as for training our own team enables us to integrate new concepts in our service offers and to accompany running standardization projects.

ENICMA maintains partnerships to the following companies and research institutes:

Research & Education

Logo fir    fir - Forschungsinstitut für Rationalisierung, RWTH Aachen

Logo IPM    IPM - Institut für Produktionsmanagement Hannover

Consulting and Software Companies

Co-operating with other consulting- and software companies is also indespensible. Nowadays it is not possible to cover all upcoming requisitions by a single company. The consequence ENICMA draws from this fact is to look for other highly qualified partners to achieve the optimal solution for our customers.

Logo ICON   ICON SCM - The Specialists in Supply Chain Management